The “debate” on reproductive rights has taken a turn to the far right with recent laws passed in
several states that create greater obstacles for women who wish to obtain
abortions. Probably the most famous commentary is a series of Doonesbury strips
that ran (or didn’t run, or ran on the editorial page, depending upon your
hometown paper) from March 12-16. Its focus is the Texas law requiring, among
other things, that women have a transvaginal ultrasound examination before
obtaining an abortion. It also requires that they receive “counseling” scripted
not by their physician but by the state legislature and governor (see the final
strip in the series, March 16).

Of course, this is not really the issue. The issue is that
anti-abortion forces wish to prevent abortions by making it more difficult for
women to obtain them. Thus, the veracity of the information that the laws
written by ALEC promote is not important to its supporters. There has been some
discussion about the fact that these laws that affect women but are written and
passed primarily by male lawmakers. The suggestion is that it indicates a
profound misogyny. I agree. These guys are often flagrant hypocrites who
indulge in sexual (as well, of course, of financial) shenanigans, but feel no
compunction about limiting the rights of women. This view is prominent in both
the Doonesbury cartoons and in this
creative effort by Salt Lake City
Dispatch political cartoonist Pat Bagley in which he attaches the “I thee
rape” Doonesbury, not run by that paper, to his own critique of this hypocrisy.
It is the same misogyny which not only leads to abortion restrictions, but to
restrictions on the availability of contraceptives, one of the two things that
actually reduces the abortion rate (the other being accurate and widespread sex
education, another “no-no” for the right), through insurance plans. While, of course, ensuring that that these
same plans cover Viagra and other drugs that help old guys get erections. It is
part of worldview that sees men and women as not only different, but
hierarchically related with men firmly in control. Women are subsidiary, not
supposed to make noise, do what they are told, and certainly not make any
decisions about their own lives, health or reproduction.
Those who oppose abortion, but also support contraception
and sex education, have a coherent position. The imaginary story line is that
once a woman is forced to have a baby, she will want to keep it and care for it
and be able to do so, or, at least put it up for adoption where someone else
will do so. But while sometimes one of these two things happens, it is
obviously a fantasy to think that it is the norm. We all hope that all children
can be brought up in a loving, supportive, and financially secure family,
whether birth family or adoptive, with all options open to them. But this is
simply not the case for too many children, and those opposed to abortion are
not doing anything to make it more likely by cutting support for health care,
childcare, and education. Which is, of course, one reason it is hard to call
them pro-life (along with their support for war and capital punishment).
Another part of the Kansas law forbids state employees from
doing abortions. This might seem unnecessary, since it is already state law
that abortions cannot be performed (with some rigid exceptions to save the life
of the mother) at the University of Kansas Hospital, the only state owned
facility. It also might not prevent medical school faculty from doing abortions
at other facilities for which they are paid with funds that come from the
physician practice plan rather than the state. It does, however, directly
affect residents, physicians in training, especially in obstetrics and
gynecology (OBGYN). The accrediting body for OBYN requires that residents receive
training in abortion (which they may opt out for religious or moral reasons)
and in evacuating the uterus when there are stillbirths (which involves the
same procedure), which they may not opt out of. Currently, OBGYN residents at
KU who do not opt out of abortion training receive this in an out-of-state
program, but if this bill passes intact it would forbid them from doing that,
as the residents are state employees. This would put the entire OBGYN training
program in jeopardy, and it would likely be placed on probation, potentially
closed, a problem noted by even some usually anti-abortion legislators. But to
the anti-abortion movement, this is not a problem. They see this collision
course as desirable and hope that a series of such state laws would force the
OBGYN accrediting body to eliminate this requirement. Then, ultimately, there
would be no one being trained to do abortions, there would be no one doing
abortions, and voilà! -- there would
be no abortions! Without the admittedly effective, but messy, need to encourage
crazy people to assassinate them, as was done with Kansas physician George
According to the Kansas
City Kansan article, “Brownback
mum on KU Med Center, abortion issue”,
“Gov. Sam Brownback
refused to say where he stood over legislative efforts aimed at stopping Kansas
University Medical Center medical residents in obstetrics-gynecology from training
in abortion-related procedures. “I’m studying the issue,” Brownback said at a
news conference. Abortion rights advocates, and even some legislators who have
opposed abortion, say the medical residents need the training to maintain KU’s
accreditation and to be able to handle emergency pregnancies. But anti-abortion
advocates disagree. Brownback has signed into law several anti-abortion
measures and has welcomed the Legislature’s work in this area.” Yes, he
has. Funny he hasn’t yet read the one-page bill.
Of course, the biggest flaw in this logic, beyond its
complete arrogance and lack of respect for women, is the assumption that
eliminating officially sanctioned training of physicians in abortion would end,
or even significantly decrease, the number being done. What it would do is to decrease the safety of
abortions, to increase the number of women who seek and obtain “back alley”
abortions. It would, quite simply, kill many women.
But the proponents of such policies and legislation seem to
have no problem with that. They are, after all, not fetuses.