At the recent “Beyond
Flexner 2015” conference in Albuquerque, one of the featured speakers was
Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD. Dr. Jones, a family physician and
epidemiologist, is Senior Fellow at the Satcher
Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, and
formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and is
currently President-Elect of the American Public Health Association, APHA. (Her
election site contains a good
biography, and this segment from “Unnatural
Causes” a superb interview.) I was truly honored to meet her the day before
(we were in the last row of a van headed to visit a clinic in Albuquerque’s
International District; she told me her name and I responded with “the Camara Jones?!”) because I have long
admired her work, and have used her “Cliff Analogy” for the Social Determinants
of Health (SDOH) regularly in lectures to medical students, as well as in this
blog (e.g., “Delmar
Boulevard, Geo-mapping, and the Social Determinants of Health”, August 16,
2014; ACA
after the election: Is it is the "fiscal cliff" or the social cliff
that matters to people?”, November 17, 2012).

It is a powerful and effective method of illustrating the
SDOH, but Dr. Jones has other allegories that are also effective, in particular
in describing the various forms of racism that exist within our society, and
the impact of them on the lives and health of people. Several of these are
presented in her wonderful TED
talk, given at Emory University in 2014. She describes 3 levels of racism:
institutionalized racism that, whether through laws or common practice, keeps
its victims down in the underclass with less opportunity and hope; personalized
racism, the actions and attitudes of people that perpetuate racial
victimization; and internalized racism, by which members of the oppressed group
come to believe in their own inferiority, that “the white man’s ice is colder”.
All of these are important; efforts to demonstrate that “black is beautiful”
and “I am somebody” can work to combat the psychological stigma from
internalized racism, but without structural change can go only so far.
Marc Nivet, Chief Diversity Officer of the Association of Medical Colleges
(AAMC), gave an earlier speech, in which he also provided a powerful metaphor,
of opportunity in America being an escalator or a staircase. In it he describes
the children of the privileged as having an escalator to take them to the top;
even if they “bump their heads” or otherwise falter and fall back, it will
continue to bring them quickly back up. Others, the children of the poor, have
to climb the stairs, and when they fall it is a long and difficult way back up;
they have to run very fast and are unlikely to ever catch up. This is a great
way of illustrating not only the social determinants of health but of opportunity;
it provides a dynamic metaphor to accompany the famous quote from former
University of Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer that “some
people are born on third base and think they hit a triple”. Dr. Nivet includes
his own children in those who are on the escalator; since he is
African-American, this might be seen as support for the argument that the
difference in opportunity is due to class (or as Americans like to call it to
make it sound more random and less generational, “socioeconomic status”) rather than race.
But Dr. Jones asks us why people of some races are
disproportionately represented in the lower class; she coins the phrase “the
Social Determinants of Equity”. She helps illustrate this with “the Gardener’s Tale”,
beginning with a (possibly true) story of when she and her husband bought their
first house, with a lovely wrap-around porch with many flower boxes. In Spring,
they discovered only some had soil, so they went and bought potting soil to
fill the others, and planted marigolds in all of them. But some weeks later
some plants were doing great, and others were struggling; it was clear that
those in the old rocky soil were not on a par with those in the new soil. To be
sure, some seeds in each box were stronger and doing better than others, but
the strongest flowers in the poor soil could barely keep up with the weakest in
the good soil.
And what if the gardener decides to plant red and pink
flowers, but likes red better, and plants them in the good soil? And when they
do better, s/he says “See? I knew red were better!”. And, if the flowers were
perennials and went to seed and regrew each year, they would perpetuate, if not
worsen, the difference, the inequity. And if the gardener said “these pink
flowers are going to do poorly anyway”, and deadheaded the weakest, allowing
them no chance at all? And in future generations if her children and
grandchildren always grew up knowing that red flowers did better than pink? But
why, someone asks Dr. Jones (not in this conference!) should the red flowers
give up or share their soil?
Because, she answers (obviously, at least to many of us),
the soil does not belong to the red flowers, although they have benefited from
it, but to the gardener. It could easily be redistributed by her, and the
flowers would have an equal chance to grow. Maybe generations of selection
would take a few years to compensate for, or maybe because only the stronger
pink seeds survived, they would do even better than the red given the chance to
have the same opportunity to grow. We cannot be sure until that opportunity is
comprehensively and completely available.
Dr. Jones’ allegories are very helpful in increasing our
- We cannot truly improve health without addressing the Social Determinants of Health.
- We cannot address the impact of racism without recognizing its many faces and forms, and its self-reinforcing nature.
- We cannot adequately remediate the effect of class upon health without changing how some people and groups are disproportionately represented in the underclass, the Social Determinants of Equity.
Dr. Jones’ allegories can help us understand, but real
change will take concerted and sustained action.
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