In an echo of my blog post of November 17, 2013, “Dead
Man Walking: People still die from lack of health insurance”, the New York Times’ lead article on November
29, 2013 was “Medicaid
growth could aggravate doctor shortage”. The main point in my blog was
that, to the degree that there is a doctor shortage exacerbated by increasing
the number of people who have health insurance (from Medicaid expansion or
insurance exchanges or any other reason), the shortage was already there. If
the reason that it was not felt earlier was because people, not having health
insurance, did not seek care, does not change the fact that these people were
here and were as sick as they were or are. To the extent that they were not
getting health care because they were uninsured is a scandal. If anything, that
people will now have coverage and thus seek care is an unmasking of an extant
but unmet need.
The Times article looks particularly at
Medicaid because many doctors will not see Medicaid patients since the
payments do not cover their costs (or, in many cases, because they can fill
their schedules with people who have better-paying health insurance). Those
physicians who do accept Medicaid
often feel that they will not be able to take more Medicaid patients for the same reason, and it is unlikely that
those who are already not accepting Medicaid will begin to. The problem is
significant for primary care, even for institutions like Los Angeles’ White
Memorial Hospital that already care for large numbers of Medicaid patients. In
the NY Times article, my friend Dr.
Hector Flores, Chair of the Family Medicine Department at White Memorial, notes
that his group’s practice already has 26,000 Medicaid patients and simply does
not have capacity to absorb a potential 10,000 more that they anticipate will
obtain coverage in their area.

Clearly, Dr. Mazer and Dr. Flores’ group are not the
problem, although it is likely that they will bear a great deal of the pressure
under Medicaid expansion; if their practices have been accepting of Medicaid up
until now, they are likely to get more people coming. The Beverly Hills
subspecialists (see: ads in any airline magazine!) who have never seen
Medicaid, uninsured, or poor people up until now are unlikely to find them
walking into their offices. And, if they call, will not schedule them. So what,
in fact, is the real problem?
That depends a bit upon where you sit and how narrow or
holistic your viewpoint is. From the point of view of doctors, or the health
systems in which they work, the problem is inadequate reimbursement. As a
director of a family medicine practice, I know that you have to pay the
physicians and the staff. For providers working for salaries, it is the system
they work for that needs to make money to pay them. The article notes that community
clinics may be able to provide primary care, but does not note that many of
them are Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) which receive much higher
reimbursement for Medicaid and Medicare patients than do other providers. The Affordable
Care Act (ACA) will reimburse primary care providers an enhanced amount for
Medicaid for two years, through 2014, and yet not only is there no assurance
that this will continue, but in many cases has yet to be put into place. And
the specialists are not receiving this enhanced reimbursement (although the
truth is that many of them already received significantly higher reimbursement
for their work than primary care physicians).
From a larger system point of view, Medicaid pays poorly
because the federal and state governments that pay for it (although the federal
government will pay 100% of the expansion for 4 years and 90% after that) want
to spend less. However, they do not want to be perceived as allowing lower
quality of care for the patients covered by Medicaid, so they often put in requirements
for quality that increase costs to providers which increases the resistance of
those already reluctant to accept it. Another factor to be considered is that
Medicaid has historically not covered all poor people; rather it mainly covers
young children and their mothers, a generally low-risk group. (It also covers
nursing home expenses for poor people, which generally consumes a higher
percent of the budget.) Expansion of Medicaid to everyone who makes 133% of
poverty means that childless adults, including middle-aged people under 65 who
have chronic diseases but have been uninsured, will now have coverage.
While the main impact of Medicaid expansion is in states
like California that actually have expanded the program, even in states like
mine (Kansas), which have not, Medicaid enrollment has gone up because of all
the publicity, which has led people already eligible but not enrolled to become aware of their eligibility (called, by experts, the “woodwork effect”).
The Kansas Hospital Association has lobbied very hard for Medicaid expansion, but
this has not occurred because the state has prioritized its political
opposition to “Obamacare”. The problem for hospitals is that the structure of
ACA relies on the concurrent implementation of a number of different programs.
Medicare reimbursements have been cut, as have “disproportionate share” (DSH)
payments to hospitals providing a larger than average portion of unreimbursed
care. This was supposed to have been made up for because now formerly uninsured
people would be covered by Medicaid (that is hospitals would get something); however, with the
requirement that piece removed (thanks to the Supreme Court decision and the
political beliefs of governors and state legislatures), the whole operation is
unstable. That is, the Medicare and DSH payments are down without increases in
From a larger point of view, of course, the problem is that
the whole system is flawed, and while the ACA will help a lot more people, it is
incomplete and is dependent on a lot of parts to work correctly and complementarily
– and this does not always happen, as with lack of Medicaid expansion. A
rational system would be one in which everyone
was covered, and at the same rates, so that lower reimbursement for some
patients did not discourage their being seen. These are not innovative ideas;
these systems exist, in one form or another in every developed country (single
payer in Canada, National Health Service in Britain, multi-payer private
insurance with set costs and benefits provided by private non-profit insurance
companies in Switzerland, and a variety of others in France, Germany, Taiwan,
Scandanavia, etc.). If payment were the same for everyone, empowered people
would ensure that it was adequate. Payment should be either averaged over the
population or tied to the complexity of disease and treatment (rather than what
you could do, helpful or not). We would have doctors putting most of their work
into the people whose needs were greatest, rather than those whose
reimbursement/difficulty of care ratio was highest. There are other
alternatives coming from what is often called “the right”, but as summarized in
a recent blog post (“You
think Obamacare is bad…”) by my colleague Dr. Allen Perkins, they are
mostly, on their face, absurd.
Our country can act nobly and often has. ACA was a nice
start, but now we need to move to a system that treats people, not “insurees”.
While I don't think there are nearly enough thoughtful conservative proposals for healthcare reform, I think writing them all off as "absurd" is one of the fastest ways to fast-track your cause to irrelevance. The Direct Primary Care movement, for example, is trying hard to find a way to provide care for the poor in a sustainable, free-market way.
this is very nice and informative post for everyone.keep sharing
The comment was that "most" were absurd, and referred to Dr. Perkins' blog where he presents the ones he is discussing. I tend to agree.
The Direct Primary Care movement is interesting, and maybe admirable, but, while likely to help some people, is not a solution (IMHO).
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