In an important series of 3 articles beginning on the Sunday
before the New Year, “Doctors Inc.”, Alan Bavley of the Kansas City Star looked at the increasing acquisition of physician
practices by hospitals, and the impact this has on access to, quality of, and
cost of health care for patients. The first article, “Medicine
goes corporate as more physicians join hospital payrolls”, describes the
“what”, that:
“Since 2000, the number of
doctors on hospital payrolls nationwide has risen by one-third, according to
the American Hospital Association. In the Kansas City area, fully 55 percent of
physicians are now employed by hospitals, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas
City estimates. That includes virtually all cardiologists and most cancer
These changes are not limited to the KC area; he cites both national
data and that from disparate regions such as Spartanburg, SC and Phoenix, AZ. Part of the reason, the "financial model", which is described in this first article, is that such “integrated” practices generate internal
referrals, keeping patients within the system, as well as generating lucrative
procedures. Physicians get a piece of the action; they get guaranteed salaries
paid in part by the hospital or health system which is getting downstream
revenue for their referrals.
And it makes these hospitals and health systems a lot of
money, because they can now charge a lot more money. Bavley quotes “Robert Zirkelbach, vice president of
America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade association. ‘When a
hospital buys a practice, its rates will increase in the following year’s
contract. Increases of 20, 30 or 40 percent are not uncommon. It’s not 3 or 4
percent, that is for sure.’”
It is also not always good for patients, as
Bavley illustrates with examples of people who were referred internally and
had delayed diagnosis. (One story discusses a woman discouraged from going to
the academic medical center at which I work – full disclosure – for a second
opinion regarding her lung cancer; the "reasons" given were both that she “didn’t have time”, and because she would see “young doctors still in training”.) Sometimes it is fine
to see doctors within the system, and certainly this can be, and is, encouraged, but discouraging people from seeking outside
referrals can also be hazardous to their health.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages the creation of
“Accountable Care Organizations” (ACOs), which would be responsible (at least
hopefully, in the best of scenarios) for the health of a population. At a
minimum, they would seek to decrease the degree to which the delivery of health
care is a series of episodic events paid for individually, instead taking on a
global responsibility including inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care. This would, in theory, change the usual patient experience from seeing one (or many) doctors or having
one (or many) ER visits, each charged and paid separately, culminating in a
hospitalization, and then discharge to one (or many) doctors, or a long-term
care facility (paid separately), and failure of care resulting in readmission
to the hospital (paid again). The idea is that all levels would be coordinated
to provide the best care at the most appropriate (inpatient, outpatient,
long-term, home based) level. In some
settings, particularly for fully-integrated plans (where the providers of care
are also the insurers) such as Kaiser, this works relatively well.
However, as Bavley makes clear in his series, written as
part of a yearlong Reporting Fellowship on Health Care Performance sponsored by
the Association of Health Care Journalists and supported by The Commonwealth
Fund, particularly in the second article, “’Facility
fees’ add billions to medical bills”, there is often a great cost to those
who are paying, the patient and their insurer (including Medicare and
Medicaid). This is because Medicare (and, following their lead, private
insurers) pays an additional fee (the "facility fee") for services, and
especially procedures, done in a hospital outpatient facility beyond what they
would pay for it to be done in a doctor’s office. (This is also addressed in
the series by Elisabeth Rosenthal, "The $2.7 Trillion Medical Bill" in the New
York Times.)
Why? The original intent (as is often the case) was good,
intended to both save money and improve care, by having many procedures done in
outpatient rather than inpatient settings, where the cost would be even higher.
And (as also so often is the case) the providers realized that this system could
be gamed as well. The physician fee for a visit or procedure done in an office
is greater than that done in a hospital clinic, but is expected to include all
the overhead. In a hospital-based clinic (which just has to be owned by the
hospital or health system; it doesn’t have to be on the campus and can be in
the same doctor’s office that used to be separate) there is a somewhat lower doctor's fee, but there is also a facility fee
that, together with the doctor’s fee, is much higher in total than the
office-based reimbursement; indeed, the facility fee can be far higher than the
physician fee. Thus, the hospital makes money, and can share some of that with
the physician, allowing the physician to make a lot more money without the
overhead and risk. Voilà! Physicians
are incented to become employed by hospitals!
I am a doctor and work in a medical center, so I understand the impetus for this from the point of view of
providers, both doctors and hospitals. Medicare is ratcheting down its
reimbursement, and a particular form of support for hospitals caring for a
disproportionate share of uninsured is being cut back, and operating margins
for many hospitals are getting thin or negative. Doctors are making less money (arguably some of them were making far too much, but they still don’t like
making less) and will thus endorse efforts to have hospitals support them and
maintain their incomes. The problem is that the cost to consumers goes up,
especially when co-pays and co-insurances that come out of patients’ pockets,
even when they are insured, go ever upward.
Medicare is, sadly, responsible for
much of this situation, as illustrated by the following: seeking to reduce costs for unnecessary
admissions, Medicare has empowered bounty hunters (called “RACs”) to go after
Medicare “fraud” by reviewing admissions to hospitals for patients who could have been care for
in the hospital on “observation” status, which will save Medicare money. Hospitals are
thus very careful to only officially “admit” people who meet very strict
criteria. However, because “observation” status is officially “outpatient”,
while Medicare saves money the patient pays
more out of pocket, because this is under Medicare Part B, not the Part A that
covers hospitalization. Complicated, but what it comes down to is what is financially good for Medicare is financially bad for the patient. Is this what we want?
I hope not. Yes, some of the fault is Medicare, and the fault is also providers
(hospitals and doctors) seeking to maximize profit (even if “not-for-profit”)
by manipulating the rules of the system. The fault is that we have Rube Goldberg-type
complex constructs put in place to encourage behavior by providers, and
providers are figuring out ways to work the system to their benefit. The real problem is that we do not have a straightforward system to deliver the
highest-quality, necessary, health care to all people but a mess of conflicting
incentives where gain to one component (i.e., insurers) is a loss to another
(i.e., providers) and that they then take actions that benefit them and the overall
loser is the patient. Bavley quotes an email from a board member of a hospital
system to the Chief Financial Officer that said “Let’s be realistic. Employing physicians is not achieving better cost,
it’s achieving better profit.”
That is not what our national health policy should be doing. A health system that did not permit
gaming but straightforwardly paid for health care, and eliminated the profit motive, would solve
these problems. The answer is to put everyone in Medicare, in a single-payer
system, so some patients are not “more desirable” than others. And to have
Medicare, which is now covering everyone, pay for the appropriate level of care
for every patient, where doctors and hospitals have no incentive to label a
person’s hospitalization as “admission” or “observation”, or an outpatient
visit as “hospital based” or “office based” because there is a difference in
the reimbursement.
It can be done. It is done in Canada. It is done in some
fashion in every other developed country. If we decide that the health of our
people is more important than the profit of the health care industry, we can do
it also.
1 comment:
I guess the one potential upside to hospital-owned practices is the leverage those hospitals could have over their new physician employees in terms of quality. If and when more capitation happens (under ACOs, for example), maybe some of these crazy billing practices will fade away. I agree with you - we really need single payer - Medicare for all!
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