As you may have already heard, Donald J. Trump won the
election and will be the next President. “The media”, from the mainstream to
the left, have moved from excoriating him as a candidate with outrageous
personal characteristics and terrifying policy proposals, to excoriating him as
President-elect, with less emphasis on his personal characteristics and more on
what future policy is likely to be. There is special and valid emphasis on the
people who are his main advisors, right wing zealots like Steve Bannon, and the
hawkish, sometimes completely out of touch with reality, group.
There are many post-hoc analyses of why Clinton lost – I recommend
Klein’s discussion of neoliberalism -- and
what the most scary aspects of a
Trump presidency are. Regarding the latter the always-terrific Noam
Chomsky’s interview on Truthout,
firmly identifies global warming and climate change as the greatest threat to
the continuation of the world. He emphasizes this threat by noting that 40% of
Americans are not concerned about the long-term impact of global warming
because they believe that Christ will return and the rapture will occur in the
next several decades.
There will, certainly be many other major threats, some of
which, like nuclear war, could end the world. After the election, I was
reminded that T.S. Eliot wrote in The
Hollow Men, “this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a
whimper,” and yet the bang is not out of the question. In less apocalyptic, but
just as serious terms, many people in America, whole populations, have real
reason to be fearful. Obviously Muslims and “illegal immigrants” have been the
victims of the most direct attacks by the President-elect and his advisors, and
have a great deal to fear, but the list goes on to include Latinos who are here
legally, citizens, members of other groups based on race/ethnicity
(African-Americans) or other characteristics (LGBT). It includes women who may
seek not only abortions but effective and available contraceptive care – and
their partners. It affects all of us who value justice, diversity, peace, civil
rights and civil liberties, opportunity, and freedom. We may see some irony in
the last two, as they were clarion calls by many Trump supporters, but it has
always been clear that for much of this group “freedom” was the freedom to do
what they want (carry guns, practice their
religion, etc.) and not any concept that would apply to everyone (be safe,
have reproductive rights, practice their religion).
Opportunity was always about the opportunity of some people to get ahead and not lose ground.
Many Trump supporters, but of course not those who are or
will be in leadership in his administration, will be among those who suffer,
because income and wealth will be major drivers of suffering, as they always
have been. This is not to minimize the impact of race; as Dr. Camara Jones
analyzes in her discussions of the “social determinants of equity”, class may
be the final mediator of social, and especially health, disadvantage, but it
does not explain why there are so many Black and other minority people in the
lower class. Yes, surveys have shown that the bulk of Trump voters were white
people in the “middle class” ($50,000-$90,000) range, but there were also many
lower income whites. Indeed, while conservative ideologues in the Republican
party railed against the ACA because it actually provided benefits to people in
a “socialist” way, most voters who were hostile to it were motivated by (in
addition to racism; it was after all “Obamacare”, named for our
African-American President) the fact that premiums were going up to
unaffordable levels, and the coverage that they received, when they got sick,
was inadequate.
Of course, to be concerned about your premiums and
deductibles and co-pays going up under the health insurance exchanges, you have
to be covered by them. And, if we didn’t have “Obamacare”, you wouldn’t be
covered at all, especially if you have a “pre-existing condition” or have to be
paying a lot more if you could. Trump recently seem to be recognizing this, noting that there are popular as well as unpopular aspects of the ACA, and that
junking the whole thing, as Republicans have voted to do dozens of times, might
be a bad move. The things people like about ACA are that they can get coverage,
that they can’t be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition, that there is
“community rating” which means that they can’t be charged an especially high
premium because they are sick, and that children can stay on their parents’
policies until 26. What they don’t like is high and increasing premiums, high
deductibles, high co-pays, discovering the insurance that they could afford is
lousy and doesn’t cover what they need and, in many cases, community rating,
which means that if you are young and healthy you pay more.
And it doesn’t come at a good time. The Commonwealth Fund just released a report showing that Americans have more challenges in receiving needed health care than in 10 other rich countries. Well, it hasn’t been a good time for a while. This report just shows, basically, the same thing that Commonwealth and others have been reporting for years.
So what can we expect, as a nation, from a Trump
administration? Well, there is odds-on betting that we will get a right-wing,
anti-abortion, anti-reproductive rights Supreme Court. And, if not actually a
wall, major deportations and harassment of immigrants. And real anti-Muslim
activity. Hate
crimes are already up, per the Southern Poverty Law Center, with really bad
people feeling emboldened by the Trump rhetoric; we can only hope his Justice
Department will prosecute these crimes at least as aggressively as they do
immigrants. We will probably get more of the same in attacks by police on
minorities, and especially on policies that enrich the richest and hurt the
poor. We will get little or no action on climate change. And we will not get
the jobs that have been lost back, whatever the President-elect promises.
Protests will
continue, centered as they have been in the small islands of the nation that
voted Democratic – and where most of the people in the US live. We need to be
sure that the losses I describe above do not come easily, that we do not keep
our heads down, that we make waves.
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