Saves Lives. It Can Save Money. So Why Aren’t We Spending More on Public
Health?” (New York Times, May 28, 2018). Actually, this is a terrific
question. As so often, it is complicated. Let’s start with the benefits that authors
Aaron E. Carroll and Austin Frakt describe. First, there are vaccines. They
eliminated smallpox and virtually eliminated polio in the United States. They
have dramatically reduced the rate of common childhood illnesses including
measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and Hemophilus
influenza (H. flu) infection. They
have the potential for essentially wiping out cervical cancer through
immunization against HPV, and liver cancer (as well as many forms of chronic
hepatitis and cirrhosis) through vaccines against Hepatitis B.
A huge public health intervention is making our environment safer.
This means having good sewage and clean water, and lead-free gasoline and
cleaner air. These changes have saved far more lives, and improved health much
more, than all of the individual medical care interventions combined. If you
have traveled abroad, especially to less developed countries, you know how important
these are. Indeed, better sanitation, as well as better surveillance and treatment,
have dramatically reduced other infectious diseases that were once terribly
feared, notably tuberculosis. And inspection of our food supply, restaurant and
otherwise, are another very important part of public health.
The other big public health measure is education. Of course,
education can be and is provided to individuals by health professionals as well
as populations via public service education, but it is major nationwide public
health efforts that have made a big difference. These include the huge decrease
in cigarette smoking, and the greater safety of automobiles and their exhausts.
Cigarette smoking used to be ubiquitous (see any WW2 movie) and in what would
shock young Americans today, widely practiced in restaurants and even college
lecture halls. Today that is unimaginable, and smoking in most places is
aberrant, with less than 15% of adults currently smoking and most of those
trying to quit. Car accidents are still a major cause of death and injury, but
deaths from cars are way down. Almost none of this is related to people driving
more safely and almost all of it to safer design of cars (think seat belts, air
bags, engines that collapse down instead of back in a collision) and roads.
Lead poisoning of children is way down in most places in the US thanks to lead
being banned from gasoline and paint.
There are still many challenges on the public health front. Reducing
the rate of chronic diseases though education around eating huge numbers of empty
calories still have a long way to go. The terrible infectious disease epidemic
of recent decades, HIV, has been greatly reduced by treatment, but until there
is a vaccine, high-risk sexual behaviors persist. The opioid epidemic is
killing more and more people, and it is only through societal approaches that
this is going to be reduced.
So, why do we not spend more on public health? Why do we
spend so much more on what is, from a societal point of view, much less
effective individual health interventions, and less than 5% of that on public
health? One reason, of course, is that when each of us is sick, we (usually)
want treatment, as much as possible, especially if there is a chance that it
could cure us, or at least ease our suffering. This is understandable, and it
is tied to the fact that we have much greater awareness of treatment of
something ailing us (curing our infection, relieving our pain) than of not having disease because of the
presence of public health practices. As I would tell students, how often do we
wake up thankful that we do not have cholera because we have a clean water
supply? Indeed, when we find that the water in Flint, MI, is contaminated with
lead, we are shocked because we assume our water is safe; when we find an E.
coli outbreak from a restaurant, we are shocked because we assume our food is
There is also, unsurprisingly, the issue of the money that to
be made. The provision of public health is rarely a big profit center, and it
is usually, therefore, done by government – local, state, and federal.
Individual health care, however, is a huge money-maker for insurance companies,
hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, nursing home
companies, and on and on. All that money – over $3.3 TRILLION by recent
estimate -- spent on your and other individuals, while it may (or may not) have
a salubrious impact on you, is going into someone’s pocket. On the flip side,
public health interventions often reduce profit, especially when they are very
effective. The struggle against tobacco, which killed more people than any
other cause by far, was fought long and hard by the tobacco companies
(currently now plying their wares in the less-developed world).Each of the changes
to cars that led to the great increases in safety was fought by the industry.
Today, we continue to see tremendous opposition to rules that make our
environment (air, water) clean and safe; sadly, under the current
administration, many of these rules are being rolled back, which will
absolutely decrease our society’s health.
I guess I also need to address the people who believe that
vaccines are unsafe. They are a major threat, and presumably haven’t seen
children dying of measles, of the suffering of chicken pox and mumps, of the
morbidity from H. flu infections of
the middle ear (my students have never seen it!) or deaths from H. flu epiglottitis. Yes, there can be
minor side effects from some vaccines, but the benefit is overwhelming.
Finally, as always finally, it is the poor and
disenfranchised who suffer the worst. While sometimes we have the perverse
satisfaction of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in well-to-do
communities, anti-vaxxers unconscionably campaign in immigrant/refugee
communities telling people to not vaccinate their children. The poor and
minority city of Flint suffers a poisoned water supply. The oldest, cheapest
houses are likeliest to have peeling lead paint and be located near polluting
factories and dumps. Tobacco and junk food manufacturers advertise most heavily
in minority neighborhoods. And, of course, the murder rate is highest in poor and
minority communities.
Good medical care for individuals is valuable when it is
needed, and could be less expensive. Public health measures are even more valuable
and cost-effective. We need to increase the money and effort spent upon public
health interventions, and certainly not scale them back.
Benjamin Franklin said an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure. It’s true, and is a great argument for greater investment in
public health.
1 comment:
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