The world isn’t fair. The US isn’t fair. It isn’t equitable.
It would be much better if things were more equitable, if everyone had the same
starting line (or, to use a metaphor that might be more resonant with
politicians and businessmen, started from the same tee), or if those who were
starting from farther back got extra help to get them closer to being on a par.
Par is another golf term, and actually in golf this is actually done. The “handicap”
is an amount subtracted from the scores of weaker golfers (in golf, lower
scores are better) to make the competition more fair. Unfortunately, it never
occurs to the presidents and CEOs who play on the golf course to apply this
same strategy to the actual world, to regular people and businesses.

In other culture news, The Atlantic laid off 68 people, and the
LA Times made everyone take a 20% pay
cut, which will save the paper $2 million in a year.
Patrick Soon-Shiong, who owns the
LA Times, has a net worth of $7 billion, so one year's 5% return on his wealth
would cover that $2 million savings for 175 years. Or he could just cover for
this year and have a net worth of $7,348,000,000, instead of $7,350,000,000. Laurene Jobs owns The Atlantic. Her
net worth is $23 billion; 5% return on that in one year would pay those 68
fired staffers $100,000 a year each for 169 years. Or she could just pay for
this year, and not kick 68 human beings to the curb to face the worst
unemployment in 70 years. If she did that, at the end of the year, instead of
$24,150,000,000, she would only have $24,143,200,000. That difference is surely
worth ruining the lives of 68 people for. Her Apple stock alone went from $7
billion to $12 billion over the last 12 months. That appreciation could pay the
fired 68 staffers $100,000 a year each for 735 years. and she still would be
one of the 40 richest people in the world.
FDR was famous for the “New Deal”, a mixture of programs to
put Americans back to work and to bring us out of the Great Depression.
Congress and the executive branch have, in response to the coronavirus pandemic,
trotted out literally trillions of
dollars, but unlike Roosevelt have done their best to ensure that the most goes
to the least needy. It is not just regular people who are affected; bailout
money intended to offer relief to small businesses (already generously defined
as fewer than 500 workers) went largely to much larger businesses. Some of this
was blamed on administrative mistakes in a rush to get the money out, but huge
corporations did in fact get lots of money, and didn’t give it back. And, in
case you were wondering when I was going to get to health care, the same
dynamic is playing out for hospitals.
The pandemic has hit hospitals hard, particularly those in
high-prevalence places (like New York City) and particularly public hospitals
and others that care for the poor in the best of times. Although most rural
areas have not had as high an incidence of coronavirus infections, rural
hospitals were teetering on the brink before the pandemic, because a hospital
is an expensive operation to run and rural areas have, well, less dense
populations. And populations, also that are more likely to be old and poor.
Which are two risk factors for getting and dying from COVID-19, but are also
risk factors for a lot of other health issue. This is why such hospitals –
small rural hospitals, overwhelmed inner city hospitals, hospitals with true
need, should be getting the bailout money to help them in this crisis. But –
and I doubt this will come as a surprise – they are not getting most of the
help, and most of the help is going to big, money-rich, hospital chains, the
hospital equivalents of billionaires and multi-national corporations.
A recent article in the New
York Times, ‘Wealthiest
Hospitals Got Billions in Bailout for Struggling Health Providers’, with
the subhead ‘Twenty large chains received more than $5 billion in federal
grants even while sitting on more than $100 billion in cash’, begins
A multibillion-dollar institution
in the Seattle area invests in hedge funds, runs a pair of venture capital
funds and works with elite private equity firms like the Carlyle Group.
But it is not just another
deep-pocketed investor hunting for high returns. It is the Providence Health
System, one of the country’s largest and richest hospital chains. It is sitting
on nearly $12 billion in cash, which it invests, Wall Street-style, in a good
year generating more than $1 billion in profits.
And this spring, Providence
received at least $509 million in government funds….

How does this happen? By intent or sloppiness? I don’t know.
While Health and Human Services
also created separate pots of funding for rural hospitals and those hit
especially hard by the coronavirus, the department did not take into account
each hospital’s existing financial resources.
“This simple formula used the data
we had on hand at that time to get relief funds to the largest number of health
care facilities and providers as quickly as possible,” said Caitlin B. Oakley, a spokeswoman for the
department. “While other approaches were considered, these would have taken
much longer to implement.”
Most people are decent people; if a package is mistakenly
delivered to your house but is addressed to someone down the street, you don’t
keep it. If the person who was supposed to get it is aged, disabled, poor, or
otherwise in need, and this package provides some relief – perhaps food,
clothing, medicine, you are especially concerned to make sure they get it. This
kind of morality does not apply to billionaires or to wealthy corporations,
whose absolute greed to grab anything that they can get their hands on, no
matter who else suffers, would make the highwaymen of yore, or Mafia dons,
“If you ever hear a
hospital complaining they don’t have enough money, see if they have a venture
fund,” said Niall Brennan, president of the nonprofit Health Care Cost
Institute and a former senior Medicare official. “If you’ve got play money,
you’re fine.”’ Well, they’re fine. And I guess you’re fine if you can
afford to go to one of them, not the hospitals that serve the people with the
greatest need. And if you don’t think about it too much, you can probably sleep
at night.
I don’t see how the CEOs and Boards of these hospitals do.