Friday, December 20, 2024

Dark Times for Public Health and Healthcare: Will the insurance industry fix itself?

It’s an exciting time for both health care and public health! Anything goes, and almost anything is, or will in the near future! On the public health front, we have the nomination by President-elect Trump of Robert Kennedy, Jr. to the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Kennedy has long been what is generously called a “vaccine skeptic” and his lawyer, Aaron Siri, has sued the Food and Drug Administration to revoke the approval of the polio vaccine. Although the NY Times article says ‘Like Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Siri insists he does not want to take vaccines away from anyone who wants them. “You want to get the vaccine — it’s America, a free country." This is disingenuous. If the FDA approval is revoked, nobody will be able to get it.

I have written recently about the importance of vaccines, especially polio and measles, in preventing disease and death (Raw milk, vaccines, and RFK, Jr: Some dates worth remembering, Nov 15, 2024). A series of letters to the Times in response to the Siri article make clear the risk. Read them; they address the science, the controlled trials of polio vaccine, the experience of those who were doctors and children during previous polio epidemics, and touchingly, the experience of dancer Tanaquil LeClerq, wife of choreographer George Balanchine (short answer: no vaccine, polio, and paralysis). In regard to other vaccines, we can read in the Times ‘Tiny Coffins: Measles Is Killing Thousands of Children in Congo’ and imagine it happening in the US as a result of Kennedy’s anti-vaccine actions. Kennedy calls his movement “health freedom” and says that he will give infectious diseases a “break” (whatever that means), but in fact, as described by Gregg Gonsalves in The Nation, RFK Jr. Is Giving Infectious Diseases a Promotional Tour.

I posted on Facebook that I have heard people say “kids get too many shots”, and asked “then which preventable disease do you want your child to die of?” One comment I got from a colleague was that the problem was not that kids get too many shots, but that too many kids get shot! The most recent killings, in a Christian school in Madison, WI (15-Year-Old Girl Identified as the Shooter in a Wisconsin School) were at least the 323rd this year in the US! THIS is an epidemic, the extent of which people in most other countries cannot imagine, and, like many of us, wonder what will be done about it. Sadly, the answer is going to be very little, if anything; we may be closing out the statistics for deaths from school shootings in 2024, but nothing suggests that 2025 will be any better.

On the healthcare front, things are not getting better. The anger at the health insurance industry exposed by the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was deep, broad and well-justified, as I wrote in Murder of a Health Insurance CEO: People HATE the companies and the people who run them (Dec 8, 2024). Study after study continues to appear providing evidence that more and more people have inadequate, unaffordable, or no health insurance. The Commonwealth Fund recently published a report that shows Hispanic/Latino Adults Lack Adequate, Affordable Health Insurance Coverage,

and that this led to their having real trouble accessing health care. The breadth of this lack goes far beyond Latinos.

Maybe we can come up with a solution! I think I have already indicated several – mainly instituting a single-payer universal national health insurance program. Or, until we do, capping the amount of out-of-pocket costs a person can have to a reasonable number ($1000?). And limiting the profits of health insurers, or the ways in which health care providers (e.g., hospitals mainly, but also nursing homes, doctors, etc.) act to make money, whether technically profit or “non-profit”, at the expense of people’s health.

Others have entered this discussion. In a remarkable Op-Ed essay in the NY Times on Dec 13, UnitedHealth Group’s CEO Andrew Witty (Brian Thompson’s boss, who makes more than $20M a year) wrote The Health Care System Is Flawed. Let’s Fix It. Unfortunately, what is remarkable about this article is that the Times chose to run it at all, since it makes no significant suggestion on how to “fix” it, certainly none that would threaten UnitedHealth’s profits. It mostly displays the Times’ complicity in an effort to focus away from the righteous fury of the American people with the health insurance industry.

USA Today reports on Seven reasons why Americans pay more for health care than any other nation, and it gets most of them right. (Reason 1: Lack of price limits, Reason 2: Hospitals and doctors get paid for services, not outcomes, Reason 3: Specialists get paid much more ‒ and want to keep it that way, Reason 4: Administrative costs inflate health spending, Reason 5: Health care pricing is a mystery, Reason 6: Americans pay far more for prescription drugs than people in other wealthy nations, Reason 7: Private Equity.) There are a few others, but it is a good list. Despite that, however, it doesn’t come up with a meaningful, comprehensive solution to them, or any of them. Indeed, it ends up quoting the Witty piece referenced above, "We know the health system does not work as well as it should, and we understand people’s frustrations with it,” rather than having any kind of answer. Like, say, universal non-profit health insurance, limits on hospital system (and physician) incomes, and banning private equity and other for-profit players from the health system!

Maybe it is asking a lot for insurance companies, largely the perpetrators of this massive scam that is bleeding the entire US economy, to come up with a “solution”. But USA Today, Commonwealth Fund, and others that do such a good job of identifying the problem should be able to take the simple next step to recommending the fix. In what is to me an amazingly open (if entirely disgusting and reprehensible) acknowledgment of their agenda, CNBC reported back in April 2018 that Goldman Sachs, the huge investment bank (Jamie Dimon, CEO) raised the question (discussing biotech research) ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’.


Actually, it’s a good question. Maybe the answer is “no”. Most ethical physicians I know (and it is the vast majority who are ethical) have always said something like “I look forward to the day when we can put ourselves out of business”. Investment banks and other forms of private equity, and the insurance companies like UnitedHealth and the providers that they control, do not see this as a positive. Maybe it is refreshing to see such a stark portrayal of the problem? Or not.

But I, and I believe most Americans, would rather see diseases and the people who have them cured, and would be happy to see the profits of any of these profiteers, privateers, just plain ganevem, and the salaries of their C-suite execs and Boards, disappear.


D Doyle said...

Thank you Josh. You are doing good work, hard work. This speaks for me.

Anonymous said...

The media has not mentioned the vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (H flu; Hib).
H. flu was a common and dangerous bacterium before the introduction of a vaccination in the mid 1980s.
H. flu ear infection used to be a common cause of high fever in young children.
I’m not surprised that journalists have not talked about it: it was so effective that Hib infections are now very rare.
My father was an ENT doc. He routinely treated mastoiditis (surgically before antibiotics were available).
In my pediatric experience I never saw a case of mastoiditis.
Untreated Hib can also cause meningitis, epiglottitis, deafness and developmental delays.
Ken Rosenberg, MD, MPH

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