Sunday, March 9, 2025

Slash the VA! Make our veterans pay for increasing corporate profits!

Given the heavy-handed, mean-spirited, cruel, anti-democratic, un-Constitutional, and penny-wise (maybe) but pound-foolish actions of the current GOP/Trump/Musk administration, it is hard to know where even to begin to discuss it. Certainly many, many intelligent and well informed people, including luminaries such as politician Bernie Sanders and historian Heather Cox Richardson, as well as many news sources such as the Contrarian (established by reporters and editors fired by or resigned from Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post and the New York Times). Even in the narrower realm of health, we have outrages like the vaccine denier and proponent of ineffective and even dangerous therapies, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. heading the Department of Health and Human Services, and Mehmet Oz, RFK, Jr’s fellow traveler, nominated to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, presumably so those services can continue to be slashed. And even more narrowly, in health and medicine and social justice – well, all of these actions and cuts tie to social justice!

So, let’s look at the Veterans Administration (VA). The VA is tasked with providing health care for our veterans, those who have served in the military, many of whom have suffered very serious, life-threatening injuries, physical and mental (of course not counting those never got to be veterans because their lives were lost). Veterans have also had higher rates of cancers and lung diseases linked to the use of burn pits (horrific incinerators used “in country” to dispose of garbage, waste, bodies, munitions, toxic materials, using jet fuel as the source of fire, running 24/7 close to camps). The death of President Biden’s son Beau was linked to burn pit exposure, and finally during the last administration Congress passed the PACT act (Honoring Our Promise to Address Comrade Toxic Exposure) to compensate and care for those veterans whose diseases were likely caused by such exposure, often called “the Agent Orange of the Gulf wars”.

The VA was already highly stressed by underfunding and understaffing due to previous cuts made by the pro-veterans-in-words-only GOP Congress and that stress was dramatically increased by the hundreds of thousands (at least a quarter million) claims under the PACT act. Amazingly the VA clinical operation, also very short-staffed, was able to continue to provide health care to veterans. Although there were many complaints of waits and slowdowns, they were in fact much less than the routine waits and slowdowns in the non-VA health care sector (anyone tried to get a doctor’s appointment lately?) and virtually every measure of quality has shown that the VA has outperformed the civilian sector. Of course, its mission is to provide health care for veterans, not to make a profit; this distinguishes it from the civilian sector in which profit is “Job One” and accessible, quality, effective health care a distant second. The NY Times’ recent article titled ‘Chaos at the V.A.: Inside the DOGE Cuts Disrupting the Veterans Agency notes that the VA

…treats 9.1 million veterans, provides critical medical research and, according to some studies, offers care that is comparable to or better than many private health systems. Even Project 2025, the conservative governing blueprint assembled by Trump allies, said the V.A. had transformed into “one of the most respected U.S. agencies.

Many of the VA’s successes, as well as its challenges, are documented by journalist Suzanne Gordon in journals including these in Jacobin, Veterans Starting to Mobilize, and the American Prospect.

Then came Trump, Musk, and DOGE. Under the banner of “cutting government waste” the already far-too-lean staffing of the VA is proposed to be cut by another 80,000 jobs! This will certainly result in major delays in accessing care, in lower quality, and unconscionable disservice to our veterans. It seems like heartless cruelty, and of course it is. But the nauseating thing is that while it certainly is not about cutting waste, it is not even about the heartless cruelty. It is about one thing: transferring “government” dollars – that is, YOUR tax dollars (not Musk’s, or his companies’, they don’t pay taxes!) – to private corporations. THAT is the goal.

Think about it. Slash funding and positions from the VA, which will naturally lead to complaints about inadequate service (even the VA can only do so much when cut not only to, but deep into, the bone) and protests from veterans’ groups and maybe even GOP members of Congress. So, what will they do? We don’t even have to guess – they’ll do their favorite thing and privatize it! Contract out the care of veterans to private corporations so they can have the wonderful experiences all the rest of us have in trying to access quality care. Of course, they won’t be able to, maybe even less than the rest of us, but heck, those companies will make a lot of money!

And that is the goal. It is not saving government money, it is about transferring it to private corporations, as acknowledged by Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent. This will cost more, be less efficient, and have lower quality. This is the consistent track record of almost every government service that has been privatized – they almost never either save money or work better, they put taxpayer money in private pockets. In health care, it is even worse; it is almost impossible to think of an example where privatization has not cost far more and had worse service, accessibility, and quality outcomes. If the funding is the same, it is always worse.

But, of course, this is not an accidental outcome, it is the intention. Privatization is sold as saving money, but it always costs more, and as increasing quality but it always goes down. What it is successful at is moving public dollars to the private sector. So, it doesn’t save money by eliminating waste, it eliminates basic care and then “solves” the problem by spending even more money! The heartless cruelty is not the goal; it is simply the byproduct. It hurts our veterans, but this is not a concern to the heartlessly cruel, non-empathic (Musk thinks empathy is “destroying Western civilization”) greedheads making these decisions.

Something can be done. Veterans can rise up and protest and contact their Congressional representatives. So can the various “veterans service organizations” (VSOs) including the American Legion, VFW, and many others. Maybe even some GOP Congresspeople will take the initiative and actually do something to help veterans instead of just flapping their gums! (OK, that may be a bridge too far…)


don said...

Wonderful piece, Josh, that is sadly right on the money, as usual. Privatized prisons with horrible conditions, privatized Medicaid ignoring patient needs, privatized Medicare denying care, now destruction of the VA. Soon, hollowing out public schools to fund private "academies", private post offices charging for home mail delivery and $2 stamps, along with privatized roads? This isn't just taking America back to the last century, it's taking it back to the Middle Ages.

Donald Kollisch said...

Josh, right (write) on! I know that there is only so much you can pack into one blog post, but let me point out here that the privatization of the VA began long before Trump 2. The “Mission Act” of 2018 accelerated the privatization which had a strong push from the Obama-era “Choice Act” of 2014. Both of these furthered the myth that VA care wasn’t adequate, and that it made sense to turn the VA into an insurance company that siphoned VA money off to non-VA health systems. These programs had the support - surprise, surprise! - of the for-profit US healthcare industry. And much of these efforts were developed by the Koch-brothers-supported group “Concerned Veterans of America (CVA)”, which poses as a VSO, but isn’t! And - coming full circle - Pete Hegseth served as CEO of CVA. Many thanks to the journalists - especially Suzanne Gordon, Jasper Craven, and Steve Early - who have been so clear-eyed and well-spoken.

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