The passion for democracy and liberation from tyranny continues to spread across the Middle East, with major actions (and reactions from dictators) taking place in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and even Iran. While decades of US foreign policy has focused on supporting these dictators while talking democracy, the people in these countries are looking at the US as a model, not of foreign policy, but of democracy. They may have economic interests, but -- in Libya, for sure, they are willing to die for freedom. Finally, our President, from whom we (and they) had expected great things, is speaking on behalf of freedom.
However, as I wrote last week, things are moving in the wrong direction in the US itself, where right-wing zealots funded by billionaires have taken over not just Congress but the legislatures of many states. Wisconsin is the prime example of an attempt, which may yet be successful, to strip the basic rights of labor unions to organize and fight for their members, a class war thinly veiled by statements of fiscal responsibility negated by the fact that the unions have already agreed to the financial cuts. On NPR’s Morning Edition on Feb 21, 2011 Steve Inskeep,the host interviewing Senate President Scott Fitzgerald, who is carrying the water for Gov. Scott Walker’s bill, could barely contain his irritation as Sen. Fitzgerald kept dodging the questions, reiterating boilerplate talking points rather than answering.
However, as I wrote last week, things are moving in the wrong direction in the US itself, where right-wing zealots funded by billionaires have taken over not just Congress but the legislatures of many states. Wisconsin is the prime example of an attempt, which may yet be successful, to strip the basic rights of labor unions to organize and fight for their members, a class war thinly veiled by statements of fiscal responsibility negated by the fact that the unions have already agreed to the financial cuts. On NPR’s Morning Edition on Feb 21, 2011 Steve Inskeep,the host interviewing Senate President Scott Fitzgerald, who is carrying the water for Gov. Scott Walker’s bill, could barely contain his irritation as Sen. Fitzgerald kept dodging the questions, reiterating boilerplate talking points rather than answering.

And we are not doing so well. In Empire at the End of Decadence (NY Times, Feb 18, 2011), Charles Blow provides a stunning graphic chart comparing the United States to other countries in the developed world across a variety of areas on which we do, or should, pride ourselves. We don’t come out very well. Among the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) 33 advanced countries, we are not in the best in any of the 9 areas. We are dead last in prison population per 100,000 (745, more than twice 2nd place Israel’s 325), and tied for worst, with Korea, with 16% of people indicating that they had not enough money for food in the last year. In the only direct health measure, life expectancy at birth, we are, at 78.24 years, ahead of only 5 of the other 32 countries; Slovakia at 75.62, is the lowest, and Taiwan is jus t behind us at 78.15 (the other 3 are Slovenia, Cyprus, and the Czech Republic).
While Republicans rant about individual mandates and repealing “Obamacare”, the health insurance crisis is not over. In the New York Times, Feb 20, 2011, Donna Dubinsky wrote “Money won’t buy you health insurance”. This “co-founder of Palm Computer and Handspring, is the chief executive of a computer software company” describes the difficulty that she had in obtaining insurance on the private market despite being quite well-to-do when neither she nor her husband worked for a large company any more. After being denied coverage at all because of “pre-existing conditions” (“For me, it was a corn on my toe for which my podiatrist had recommended an in-office procedure. My daughter was denied because she takes regular medication for a common teenage issue. My husband was denied because his ophthalmologist had identified a slow-growing cataract,” she finally found a company that would insure them at a high rate with a high deductible, and the rates have continued to rise although they pay (because of the deductible) most of the bills themselves.
The point is not that she is in tough straits. I am sure Ms. Dubinsky would agree that there are a lot of people who we should have a lot more sympathy for than her; people who are homeless and jobless and hungry, and millions more who are on the verge of becoming so. And yet there are many who continue to see the uninsured as “other”, the “them”, rather than the “me and my neighbors”, despite the fact that many of their neighbors, and relative, and friends, must be in this boat. Ms. Dubinsky’s article points out, if there were any more evidence needed, that insurance companies are greedy and absolutely not to be trusted with the health care of the American people. The Affordable Care Act, (ACA) mandates individuals to purchase health insurance, ostensibly the objection of the Republican right (who are presumably either well insured or healthy and optimists), which was the only way the insurance companies would buy in: they basically said “We can only allow no underwriting (denying insurance to people they assess as too high a risk) this if you make everyone buy insurance.”
Should you even think for a moment that for-profit insurance companies are anything but self-serving, it is worth looking at Jacob S. Hacker and Carl DeTorres’ scorecard, The Health of Reform (NY Times, Feb 17.2011). They grade the ACA in Rollout, Reaction, and Results and give the overall program so far a “B”. The reaction of the insurance companies gets a “C”: “Eager to have millions of new private customers, the big private plans and their lobby are against repeal. Still, they spent tens of millions of dollars supporting the anti-reform candidates in the elections and are fighting key consumer protections and cost controls”.
Paul Krugman is generally a supporter of the ACA health plan, believing that it actually will be a major step to addressing our fiscal problems. “What would a serious approach to our fiscal problems involve? I can summarize it in seven words: health care, health care, health care, revenue. “He continues (Willie Sutton Wept, NY Times, Feb 18, 2011),
“What would a serious approach to our fiscal problems involve? I can summarize it in seven words: health care, health care, health care, revenue….What would real action on health look like? Well, it might include things like giving an independent commission the power to ensure that Medicare only pays for procedures with real medical value; rewarding health care providers for delivering quality care rather than simply paying a fixed sum for every procedure; limiting the tax deductibility of private insurance plans; and so on. And what do these things have in common? They’re all in last year’s health reform bill. That’s why I say that Mr. Obama gets too little credit. He has done more to rein in long-run deficits than any previous president. And if his opponents were serious about those deficits, they’d be backing his actions and calling for more; instead, they’ve been screaming about death panels.”
So, while the President’s plan might be criticized for being a giveaway to insurance companies, the right is attacking it for all the things it actually does well!
Dubinsky ends her article “If members of Congress feel so strongly about undoing this important legislation, perhaps we should stop providing them with health insurance. Let’s credit their pay for the amount that has been paid by the taxpayers, and let them try to buy health insurance in the individual market. My bet is that they all would be denied. Health insurance reform might suddenly not seem to them like such a bad idea.”
Maybe, but some folks have no shame. It is not a bad idea, it is, as Krugman demonstrates, a pretty good idea from an economic as well as health standpoint. And Blow may be right when he says that, rather than confront the realities of developing a population with the health and education to compete in a global economy, too many people “…would prefer to continue to bathe in platitudes about America’s greatness, to view our eroding empire through the gauzy vapors of past grandeur.”
That is not a conceit that we can afford.
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