The opioid epidemic is real. Far more opioids (the term that
includes opiates, naturally-derived from opium, and synthetic drugs) are
consumed than could conceivably be used for medical reasons, whether for
short-term use post-surgery or injury, or chronic use for terminal diseases
like cancer. The explanation, at one level, is the excessive use of opioids for
pain relief for chronic conditions (like back pain, for which other drugs are
often more effective) or excessive duration for what should be short-term
(acute) reasons, and the fact that they are very addictive. This last has led
to the creation of new addicts, who have been placed on prescription opioids
for pain, and means that they can be used to substitute for opiates (such as
heroin) for those who became addicted to street drugs. This is especially true
with the increased availability of extremely potent synthetic opioids, such as
fentanyl (50-80 times more potent than morphine), but can go both ways; when
those who have become addicted to prescription opioids find the supply drying
up, they often move to heroin.
But, like most things, it is complicated. The biggest
complication is that many of those who have become “hooked” on opioids are
suffering in pain, and opioid withdrawal is, to put it mildly, not fun. The
pain relief is greater than that of other pain relievers, for many (but not
all) problems, but opioids increase tolerance, so the doses people need to take
to relieve their pain, or get their high, continually increases. The “consensus”
pendulum has swung, from the message that people are not getting sufficient
pain relief (“pain is the fifth vital sign”) to “doctors are creating addicts
by overprescribing opioids”. Patients – people -- are caught in the middle.

The New York Times has
had a series of exposé articles on the opioid crisis, and a recent installment completely
pulls back the curtain on the marketing and sales practices of opioid
manufacturers. “3,271
Pill Bottles, a Town of 2,831: Court Filings Say Corporations Fed Opioid
Epidemic” reveals that many manufacturers, not simply Purdue, the maker of
Oxy-Contin®, and many pharmacies including all the big chains, have been
complicit in the spread of this epidemic. Its content is damning, and the evil
acts of these companies are made public, and the information needed to
ascertain the reason for the problem is clear.
But the Times does
not explicitly call it out. That is because the problem is capitalism,
specifically “unfettered” capitalism, essentially unregulated capitalism that
not only permits, but encourages, anything that will make more money,
regardless of the cost, including (and perhaps especially) the human cost.
These corporations are responding to the pressure of Wall St. and their
stockholders not only to make more money, but to “exceed expectations”. The
value of a stock is not based on whether the company is actually earning a
profit, but whether it is earning enough of a profit to please the casino
players. This is augmented by the incentives for often huge bonuses for the top
management based upon – how much profit the company makes. There are no bonuses
for actually helping more people, or even not killing them, or not destroying
the world. Sorry, you who die from opioids or suicide, you are collateral
damage. Oh, yes, you also, future generations.
To be clear, this is not a result of Republican or Trumpian
policies, although they have been both more open about it and have further pushed
the envelope with their gargantuan tax cuts for corporations and the 0.1%. It has
been the policy of every government at least since Reagan in the 1980s, Clinton
and Obama certainly included. Of course, every US government has been
pro-capitalist, but for much of the 20th century, starting with
(Republican) Teddy Roosevelt, there were both implicit and explicit limits set.
Even conservative economic guru Milton (“the only goal of a business is to
maximize shareholder profit”) Friedman believed that monopolies were ultimately
not a problem because technology and the market would take them down. He was
wrong; there are no limits to what they will do for more money.
So we have Americans dying by the tens of thousands from
opiate and opioid overdose, and from the “suicides of despair”. We have
children being separated from their parents and migrants being housed in
prisons because it makes money for the private prison industry, a major donor to
politicians. (Kudos
to Illinois for being the first state to ban private prisons.) We have the
environment being irreparably destroyed for the profit of some companies, with
government complicity. We have wars being fought across the globe, killing
hundreds of thousands, and each being the potential spark that could destroy
the world more quickly through nuclear war. We continue to increase the defense
budget although we already spend several-fold more than all our potential
adversaries put together, because it is the way that the federal government
subsidizes US industries.
Why do we do these things? Our oligarchs (a term the media
seems to reserve only for foreigners, especially Russians, even though the US
has so many more of them) demand it, and pay for it, essentially through
kickbacks. They care not for the future, even for their grandchildren, or for
whether there is a world.
They must be stopped. Our health, and our lives, depend upon