I have pointed to money, specifically the anticipated income related to student debt, as a major determinant of specialty choice, and Dr. Phillips makes this quite graphic by comparing the ratio of primary care and family physician incomes to more highly paid specialties over time. Using Diagnostic Radiology and Orthopedic Surgery as comparators, primary care incomes, which were about 60% in 1979, dropped to barely 35% in 2003, a trend that has not decreased since. Other graphs show that the % of graduate training (residency) positions filled by US medical graduates tracks linearly with specialty income, and that the growth in new residency positions has been almost entirely in those high-income specialties with drops in primary care positions. (This is not only because of student interest; it is also because many of these new positions are funded by hospitals. The same specialists – radiologists, cardiologists, orthopedists, anesthesiologists – that make big incomes for themselves also make big profits for the hospitals, so that hospitals are more interested in increasing their capacity to do these functions by having more trainees, residents and fellows, in these specialties.)
This creates a problem. The Graham Center data support much other research that has been cited in this blog by Starfield and others indicating that a health system that is based on primary care, with 40-50% PCPs, creates the greatest benefit in health and lowers cost. We have currently about 32% PCPs. With an interest in primary care among medical students now at about 22%, the problem is going to grow, not shrink. And, as I have often written, if we are interested in increasing primary care specialty choice, we are largely taking the wrong students into medical schools (e.g., Primary care specialty choice: student characteristics, July 12, 2010). Given that these characteristics are in large part negatively associated with family income, the changes in funding for medical schools are also troubling. Phillips cites an interview with the founding dean of the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) medical school, E. Grey Dimond MD, in the Kansas City Star (April 25, 2011). Dr. Dimond is asked how UMKC, as the “public” medical school with the least state funding of any in the US, survives, and he answers that they have increased tuition to become the highest tuition school in the country. This, of course, does not bode well for low-income students, urban or rural, becoming physicians: “Farm kids in Missouri from little towns that need doctors can’t pay what we have to have.” And, for those low (and middle, and even upper-middle) income students who graduate with debts often exceeding $250,000, those income differences among specialties loom very large – and this does not bode well for primary care.
Phillips provides evidence that Medicare costs and avoidable hospitalizations and hospital readmissions drop dramatically when there are higher primary care ratios (ratios of 1 FP+NP+PA:1500-2000 people, or 1:1000 if all PCPs considered[3]). He cites a large number of studies demonstrating essentially the same thing.
Is there a bright side? Are there solutions? Well, the contributions of primary care are now being widely acknowledged, and there are lots of calls for increasing primary care physicians. The ACA bill provides some increased funding for primary care (about a 10% increase under Medicare) and major funding increases for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC), which pays for medical education by (some) scholarships or (mostly) loan repayment for physicians who enter primary care (and sometimes general surgery) and practice in an underserved area for a period of years. Unfortunately, these are not sufficient; a 10% increase sounds like a lot, but if it brings the primary care doctor’s income from 33% to 37% of that of a specialist (and this would be if the whole practice were Medicare), it is not going to do the trick. The loan repayment from NHSC is good, but it rarely covers the whole bill.
What would work? Medicare, taking the lead among all payers, needs to increase primary care physicians’ income dramatically. The Council on Graduate Medical Education (COGME) estimates in its very impressive 20th Report, Advancing Primary Care, that a family physician must be able to anticipate earning 70% of what a subspecialist makes if the goal of having a 40% primary care workforce in 20 years is to happen., the level at which income expectations tend to wash out of the decision on specialty choice. The federal and state governments should learn from successful models and repay all of the loans of medical school graduates who enter primary care over 8-10 years (enough time to ensure they are actually practicing primary care) and do it twice as fast for those who practice in an underserved setting.
This is what it will take to bend the curve of specialty choice, and, as a result, to bend the cost curve of providing health care.
[1] Garibaldi, RA, Popkave C, Bylsma W, “Career plans for trainees in internal medicine residency programs”, Acad Med 2005 May;80(5):507-12
[2] Hauer KE, Durning SJ, Kernan WN et al., “Factors associated with medical students’ career choices regarding internal medicine”. JAMA 2008;300(10):1154-64
[3] The benefit on cost of hospitalization, avoidable hospitalizations, and readmissions is more difficult to assess for general internists than for family physicians; this would be unsurprising given that their training in almost all in the hospital rather than in the ambulatory setting.
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