On July 16, 2016, the JAMA
took the unusual step of publishing an article by the President of the
United States. “United States
Health Care Reform: Progress to date and next steps”, by Barack Obama, JD,
is by definition “political” and a defense of his administration’s health care
policy and achievements, but it is also a well-documented piece of policy
research. In it, the President details the improvements in both health care access
and actual health status achieved by Americans since the passage (in 2010) and
largely-full implementation (in 2014) of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”),
and provides evidence to support the central role of the ACA in creating those
positive changes. He particularly notes that this improvement is not simply a
result of improvement in the economy recovering from the Great Recession of
2008; this is supported by the fact that many indicators of breadth of coverage
(what percent of people had health insurance), quality of coverage (how good
was it), cost of coverage, and quality of care were getting worse for a long
time before 2008.

President Obama also bemoans the changes that the ACA was
unable to achieve because of Republican opposition (while this could be
perceived as partisan, it is fact, and fact strongly acknowledged by the
Republican Party which has voted to repeal ACA dozens of times). He ends with a
lengthy plan for the future, a future in which he will not be President, and
what yet needs to happen to improve health and health care in the US. This
includes the expansion of Medicaid to all 50 states, increasing competition in
the marketplace so all Americans have access to a choice of plans, and limiting
the control of special interests, especially drug companies:
second lesson is that special interests pose a continued obstacle to change. We
worked successfully with some health care organizations and groups, such as
major hospital associations, to redirect excessive Medicare payments to federal
subsidies for the uninsured. Yet others, like the pharmaceutical industry,
oppose any change to drug pricing, no matter how justifiable and modest,
because they believe it threatens their profits.
While the President does not call out the insurance industry
as he does the pharmaceutical industry, he renews the call for a “public
option” to compete with private insurance companies. He stops short of
supporting a single-payer system, invoking “pragmatism” (defined as “we have to
find something palatable to those who oppose change because they are doing so
well now") “Simpler approaches to addressing our health care problems
exist at both ends of the political spectrum: the single-payer model vs
government vouchers for all.”
When I am confronted by this pragmatism argument, I am
somewhat sympathetic. Given the opposition both from Republicans in Congress
and entrenched, wealthy and powerful industries (not only pharmaceutical and
insurance, but also providers), the passage and implementation of the ACA was a
formidable victory. All of the data cited by the President is true, and almost
all of it is good. More people ARE covered, the quality of their coverage has
improved, the cost to the system (and in most cases to individuals) has gone
down, and there have been positive developments in the areas of quality
improvement, fraud, and value, and moves away from fee-for-service to comprehensive
care. The President led this effort and has the right to be proud, but the
holes in the health system that remain are still very large.
For many people, good health insurance coverage is
unaffordable; they buy policies on the exchanges that do not cover their needs
when they get sick. For many others, there is still no coverage – most of those
below 137% of poverty in states that have not expanded Medicaid, those without
legal documentation, and some others. The powerful provider, insurance, and
pharmaceutical industries have an outsized voice in determining health policy. The
disorganized and fragmented nature of our health system and piecemeal nature of
coverage and incentives for coordination of care, even with the ACA, lend
themselves to healthcare industries (including doctors and hospitals) finding “work-arounds”,
or “gaming the system”, for their self-interest.
The key, essential issue in considering past, present and
future healthcare and health insurance reform is whether the goal is to
maximize the health of the American people or something else (mainly, as I have
suggested before, industry profit). There is a cohort of politicians, pundits,
and commentators, who are ideological devotees of the unfettered market (and of
Ayn Rand novels) who actually are against maximizing health for all; they may
be unusually influential, but they are few. There is a larger group, the
corporations who are believers only in their making profit, which means the
free market only when it advantages them and government support of their
industries when that advantages them. And, of course, there are the many
politicians and pundits who are on their payrolls, direct or indirect (e.g.,
campaign contributions). Their role has always been powerful and is greater
since the Citizens United Supreme
Court decision that said corporations are people and money is speech.
But the largest group is regular people, trying to get by
and trying to make sense out of these purposely-obfuscated policy issues. They
include folks with and without insurance, like those who are interviewed by Dr.
Paul Gordon on his Bike
Listening Tour across America, who say things like “Obama
Care helped the poor, but now the working class is struggling”. People who
are trying to figure out what kind of insurance to purchase on an exchange, and
very often opt for the plan with the lowest premiums that will take the least
out of their monthly income so that they have more for food, housing, and other
necessities as well as some entertainment or relative “luxuries”. And who only
find out when they get sick how bad that coverage is, and how much debt they
are going to be in, because they lost that gamble.
The reason for this is that, as I have often discussed
(perhaps first in “Red,
Blue, and Purple: The Math of Health Care Spending”, October 20, 2009),
most people are, at any given time, not sick. Most people, especially younger
people, will not be sick at any time for the whole year, or a number of years.
Thus spending high monthly premiums for good (or better) coverage seems like a
burden, and it is. Until, of course, they get sick. Until they get cancer, or
get in a car wreck, or have a premature baby, or find their hitherto
pretty-well-controlled chronic diseases spiraling downhill. Advocates of
consumer choice may say “tough luck, that’s the market”, but this is people’s
health. Consistently, surveys of the American (and most other) people find that
the vast majority want everyone to have access to high-quality care when they
need it – and even want it for “other people” that they don’t know. But the
solution, even with ACA, forces them to gamble on their future health while
ensuring that insurers and drug makers and the biggest healthcare providers
make money. It is a plan to create fear and anxiety and insecurity, despite the
accuracy of the overall improved health, and financial, picture that the
President paints in his article.
There is a solution. It is indeed a single-payer system. One
where everyone is covered, and pays what their incomes can reasonably afford,
where the whole society is the risk pool rather than the individual, and people
don’t have to gamble with their future health. We could have that, and most of
us would relish it (like the vast majority of citizens of other developed
countries who have it), and it would provide our only reasonable hope of truly
controlling cost and improving quality.
But we are going to have to fight for it. Power does not
relinquish control and money easily.
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